Posts tagged job application

Company X is now following you

Debates and Argumentation, by far, is one of the subjects, which I am really enjoying a lot (excluding the heavy readings). For the past weeks, I have witnessed my classmates argued their way out to survive Burn’s adjudication. It is not so scary after all as what we thought it would be at first. We were all just having fun saying hear-hear’s and shame-shame’s, and cheering at each other’s silliness when we’re all out of words to say.

Two of the motions we had dwelled on from the past weeks were on the issues of whether smokers should not be accepted by companies and whether the license of doctors with moral issues should be terminated. Two different motions with a common denominator, and that is the question of should one’s personal lifestyle meddle with one’s professional life. I would not further on with how the debate turned out. Instead, I will be taking the recent question on another context: New Social Media. Read the rest of this entry »

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